Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Going To Disney World Beats a McCain Rally

No big surprise there, right? I'm guessing most of the readers of my blog probably believe that. However, the person who chose to go to Disney World over attending a rally in his own states was the Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist. This was a guy who campaigned heavily for McCain in the primaries. What did Crist, who many believe may have been on the short list for VP, have to say about helping out McCain:

''When I have time to help, I'll try to do that."

Sheesh, with friends like that............................................


Kay Dennison said...

I'd choose the same as Crist did. He finally figured out what a liar McCain is and this was his way of telling him that he wanted to see the real Mickey Mouse -- instead of Mickey Mouse politics.

disabled girl said...

This was hilarious! Given the tenor of McCain-Palin rallies lately, Disney World was a much better choice.

I like your blog. You make some great points and your skills of observation of dead-on. I'm linking to you!

Josh Payne said...

And on a completely unrelated note, doesn't Crist look more than a little like Christian Shepard(Jack's alcoholic surgeon Dad) from LOST? Maybe it's just me. Linked to you, by the way. Good blog, nice legwork and insight!