Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain's Military Record

As I have stated elsewhere, I have a strange relationship with the military. I was raised to respect the military. My grandfather was a Merchant Marine during WW2. My step-father was an infantryman in Vietnam. I myself was a combat medic in the army. I absolutely respect the men and women who serve, though I fully admit that I have great reservations about the way our military is being used. However I am not running for office based on my military record, McCain is. And it's surprising how little we know of it. Yes,we know he was a POW, but do we know he graduated in the bottom 1 percent of his class. Do we know how many planes he crashed? Rolling stone has a new article on him entitled Make-Believe Maverick. I encourage you to read it and get to know McCain a little better from his military days and later as a politician.


(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Straight Talk, thanks for your visit tonight. I saw that article too and quoted it in an post called "AN "I" FOR AN "I" but i took the post down because, admittedly, there were basic ethical problems in what I wrote. So having said that, I think i need to return to my "Truce" post and explain what I meant.

Anonymous said...

You act like you are revealing a big secret. Hello, McCain jokes all the time about graduating at the bottom of his class.

Straight Talk on McCain said...

Not a big secret, just one that receives no publicity. I was in a college class tonight where someone mentioned this, and most of the studenst acted shocked and didn't know about it. If the media was "liberal," you'd think be everywhere, but it's not.