Saturday, November 1, 2008

So Who's Number Two?

McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb claims that Obama hangs around with anti-Semites. But when asked to name one, other than Khalidi who is being discussed, he can't. It looked pretty bad, and it was, because it shows that the McCain campaign is willing to throw anything out, and when questioned on it, can't defend their comments.


FEMily! said...

The McCain campaign purposely doesn't name the other terrorist that Obama pals around with or the other anti-Semite because they want the American people to be afraid of Obama. Naming the other terrorist or anti-Semite, especially when the first terrorist might not technically be a terrorist and the first anti-Semite might not even be an anti-Semite, lets people decide for themselves whether Obama indeed is friends with terroristS and anti-SemiteS. Not knowing keeps the people afraid. "I don't know who the other guy is, or if there even is another guy, but since there could be . . . ."

I find it very troubling that the McCain campaign does not expand on what it was Bill Ayers did and what Khalidi's views are. First-time voters and other young voters, who seem to support Obama overwhelmingly, weren't alive when Bill Ayers headed the Weathermen. I can't even find much information about him and the Weathermen. Why won't McCain tell the people the extent of Ayers' terrorist activities? Because keeping the public ignorant is a tenet of conservative philosophy. I can only assume that if the McCain campaign had anymore dirt on Ayers, we would have already heard it, and it's the same with Khalidi.

Kay Dennison said...

The Weatherman were a small but noisy anti-war, anti-discrimination group in the 60s. And they got the same interest as a lot of other protest groups 'wayyyy back then. (read: not a whole lot) Bill Ayers got his 15 minutes of fame back then and John McCain gave him a few minutes more.

They say if you remember the 60s, you weren't really there. I remember the 60s, I was there but I don't recall Bill Ayers or his misbehavior. It must have been a case of no apparent interest until John McCain went delving for dirt.

UnapologeticEthnoCentricSemite said...

While this looked very bad, it doesn't mean it's inaccurate. The long list is extensive and scary. The Black Panthers indorsed him, the Democratic Socialist Party has a long history with him. And the list of their members should concern every American. Their agenda is the EXACT same thing as his!! I wrote about it on my site which you can view
Whether he gets in or anyone else, he is a dangerous person.....

FEMily! said...

And al-Qaida endorsed McCain. Your point?